Gracefully Overcoming

Living in the Confidence and Hope Found in Christ Alone!

MMS – Capture

MMSFor the month of October, I am joining many bloggers in a challenge to write every single day for 31 days. I learned about this challenge through another challenge I participate in most weeks. The “Five Minute Friday” challenge is going to expand to last the whole month! Each entry, will be five minutes unedited of writing on a particular theme – found on Kate’s blog.Today’s theme is “capture.”

I feel like my family has been captured.

My family is being held prisoner.

All Because of me.

To capture means just that, to hold someone prisoner. My health has done this very thing. Today, a Sunday at the time of writing this, I am ware of this very thing: I am causing my family to be captured.

Destruction Brought On by a Loved One’s Health Issues

My family is in the process of being destroyed.

Not with yelling or unhealthy words.

But, it faces great adversity – due to my declining health.

The easiest note on this, is how often we have been able to make it to church the last several months. Summer reeks havoc on my body. It’s unavoidable. I get that. But, I wish those closest to me weren’t affected. I wish those around me, could live life to the fullest, even though I can’t.

There is a better, eternal form of the word – capture (or captive) – that I wish defined my family.

Captivated by God.

Captivated by a love, desire, and action to be wherever He is at work.

On Sundays, that should be church.

On Sundays, that should be His house.

Captive for Christ

Captive is the best term possible, for how we should be able to define our spiritual life – for our walk with Jesus Christ.

  • Are we captivated by Christ?
  • Earnestly seeking Him?
  • Making a way to get closer to Him?

For me, I can testify that it is a struggle.

To get close to Him.

Not just on Sundays, but everyday.

None can make the choice for me, but I must find ways to be captivated by my Savior Jesus – instead of being taken captive by this world or even faltering health.

Paul became familiar with being captured in his circumstances, but he let himself be known as one who has been captivated by the love of Jesus. I encourage you to take the time to read the full account of what Paul has endured with God as his strength. See 2 Cor. 11.

The Kind of Prisoner We Become

“… I have … been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again (2 Cor. 11:23, NIV).”

Despite what he faced, consider what he has allowed himself to be known by:

“Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus… (see Philemon 1:1)”

The Reformation Study Bible points out the recognition of knowing to whom he belonged… “Paul knows that he belongs to Christ, and if he is in prison it is by Christ’s permission (Phil. 1:7).”

How captivated are we allowing ourselves by our Lord Jesus?


How can you… How can I… become people who are captivated by Christ, versus becoming captured by a circumstance or anything else (other than Jesus)?

In Closing…

Rest, beloved, in knowing to whom you belong – to Christ Jesus! May we be captivated versus taken captured…. – Stacey

About Me

My name is Stacey. This is my favorite space on the web. Gracefully Overcoming has become my outlet as I learn to cope with multiple chronic illnesses. It is where my trials and faith in Christ come together.
